
Financial Data Aggregation

An open API-first approach to total wealth aggregation, allowing a single direct connection to multi-custodial data for FinTechs, RIAs, and TAMPs through the industry’s only Wealthtech-as-a-Service platform.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Types of Wealth Data Aggregation

Wealth data captures the full scope of client finances, including investments, accounts, and holdings across all asset classes and custodians. BridgeFT’s total wealth data aggregation delivers high-quality, multi-custodial data through seamless API connectivity. Connect once, access multiple data sources.



Banking & Held Away

Market Data

Single direct connection to all the major financial custodians. Connect one, access many. API-first approach delivers the highest quality trade-ready data. 

Data streams that are often more difficult to access through traditional aggregation solutions. 

Data such as bank accounts, mortgages, credit cards and more that financial institutions rely on.

Access to real-time data, historical, delayed and tick stock and options prices. 

BridgeFT's Data Advantage

Comprehensive Coverage

More than 900+ direct feeds from custodians, back office providers, broker-dealers, correspondent clearing firms, prime brokers, banks, insurance carriers, asset managers, retirement plan providers, 401(k) recordkeepers and more. 

Direct Access

Multi-custodian financial data aggregation offers a “single source of truth” gathered and processed daily directly from each individual custodial source, including all transactions and transaction codes, gain/loss, individual tax lots, original values and prices, and other essential client and account metadata. 

Data Validation

Automated quality controls and built-in anomaly detection ensure data integrity right at the source—from ingestion process monitoring and verification of custodian reporting values to day-over-day data element checks.

Real-time monitoring using machine-learning and statistical analysis capture inconsistencies, errors and invalid values.  


Modern, API-first connectivity to essential data that is available daily prior to market open with on-demand and bulk access to all data elements when and where they are needed.  Enhanced micro-batch, event-driven data ingestion process ensures data is trade-ready and available as early as possible.


Build a Better, More Modern Data Advantage

BridgeFT WealthTech API

Traditional Methods (Legacy Providers/Custom Build)

Over 900 Critical Data Sources

Go Beyond Financial Data Aggregation

The WealthTech API is designed with the essential tools needed to maximize the effective utilization of data. As an API-first SaaS platform delivering modern, future-proof technology, firms gain a significant competitive advantage with BridgeFT’s data services. 


wealthtech api


digital transformation



Build vs. Buy